La Delegazione della Commissione Economica del Parlamento europeo (Econ) presso l’amministrazione Usa a Washington

La delegazione Econ nel corso della visita a Washington che si e’ svolta dal 18 al 20 luglio 2016 ha incontrato: Justin Schardin- Direttore del Bipartisan Policy Center,   Valerie Rouxel-Laxton (Head of Economic and Financial Affairs-Section of the EU delegation in Washigton),    Antoine Ripoll (Head of the EP Liaison Office),   Mary Jo White ( Chair of Securities and Exchange Commission),  Tim Adams (President and the CEO of the IIF),  Andres Portilla (Managing Director for Regulatory Affairs),  Robert Stack ( Deputy Assistant Secretary), Sarah Runge (Director at Office of Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes),  Jason Furman ( Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers), Nathan Sheets (Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs),  Mr. Timothy Massad (Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission), Jakob Kirkegaard e Nicolas Verone del Peterson Institute, Stanley Fischer (Vice Chairman federal reserve Board), Martin Gruenberg (Chairman of Federal deposit Insurance),  Thomas J. Curry ( Comptroller of the Currency) e  FINRA CEO – Rick Ketchum.

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